Commentary: Combined reporting would signal state is ‘closed for business’
Feb 26, 2024
In a recent column, The Baltimore Sun’s Dan Rodricks advocated that Maryland adopt combined tax reporting, arguing that it would close loopholes and generate hundreds of millions in new revenue (“Dan Rodricks: Maryland legislators need to close a tax loophole that protects corporate profits,” Feb. 16). However, as the leading voice for over 6,800 businesses across Maryland, the Maryland Chamber of Commerce has serious concerns regarding this complex policy.
Mary D. Kane is President & CEO of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce, an organization that serves as the leading voice for business in Maryland and represents more than 6,800 member businesses in every industry across the state. Mary can be reached at or (410) 269-0642.
Read President & CEO Mary D. Kane’s commentary on combined reporting in The Baltimore Sun
This op-ed was originally published by The Baltimore Sun on Feb. 23, 2024

Mary D. Kane
President & CEO
Maryland Chamber of Commerce