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Commentary: Addressing Long-Term Impacts of Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse

May 16, 2024

The Building Bridges to Recovery Coalition, comprised of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce and other leading organizations in our state, quickly mobilized following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge to survey affected businesses. The findings reveal the incident's widespread impacts across diverse industries and geographic areas, with transportation disruptions leading to delays, skyrocketing freight costs and logistical crises for companies statewide.

Mary D. Kane is President & CEO of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce, an organization that serves as the leading voice for business in Maryland and represents more than 7,000 member businesses in every industry across the state. Mary can be reached at or (410) 269-0642.

Read President & CEO Mary D. Kane’s commentary on Key Bridge and Port of Baltimore disruptions to business in The Baltimore Sun

This op-ed was originally published by The Baltimore Sun on May 16, 2024

A headshot of Maryland Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Mary Kane

Mary D. Kane
President & CEO
Maryland Chamber of Commerce